Welcome to the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce
Seward, Nebraska

Et Cetera Gift & Thrift Shop


Antiques/Collectibles/ConsignmentGifts - Retail

About Us

Through God's grace, we have been blessed with generous donors, faithful volunteers, a comfortable retail space and shoppers who bring us not only support for our retail endeavors but the joy of friendships made. We are able to add to that the joy of supporting missions with our profits. We hope you can visit us soon.


  • Silent auctions for unique items
  • Clothing
  • Household items
  • Furniture
  • Et Cetera


Et Cetera Store Front
Store Front Window
Rugs made on store's loom

Seward Area Chamber of Commerce
PHONE: (402) 643-4189 | FAX: (402) 643-4713
616 Bradford, Seward, NE 68434


© Copyright 2014 Seward Area Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. 
Site by ChamberMaster

  1. https://www.gustudentassociation.org/
  2. https://kimmerestaurant.com/
  3. https://www.nyonyafood.com/
  4. https://www.perfectotech.com/
  5. https://www.planetgapyear.com/
  6. https://whatcomvet.com/
  7. https://theclassicyachtexperience.com/
  8. https://www.batonrougerosesociety.org/
  9. https://www.finburysullivan.com/
  10. https://mikrofinanzinstitut.com/
  11. https://oakgroveplantationsc.com/
  12. https://www.the-vision-of-harmony.org/
  13. https://www.pantheonpress.com/
  14. https://thefinancialgraduate.com/
  15. https://www.thenutkitchen.com/
  16. https://altiboutique.com/
  17. https://ambushsweden.com/
  18. https://goingonforgod.com/
  19. https://lasdopestattorney.com/
  20. https://www.sewardne.com/
  21. https://www.tehranfestival.com/
  22. https://www.bistrotmarin.com/
  23. https://brysonchristianmontessorischool.com/
  24. https://www.excalibureurope.com/
  25. https://www.tropicaltopless.com/
  26. https://www.originallotsoflox.com/
  27. https://www.wavespace-berlin.com/
  28. https://www.michiganmediates.org/
  29. https://www.yourmyrtlebeachproperty.com/
  30. https://metrcconference.com/
  31. https://biotechscope.com/
  32. https://jzbrasil.com/
  33. https://kingswoodacquisition.com/
  34. https://www.mobilegourmetkitchen.com/
  35. https://saafootball.org/
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  37. https://ampalauragarcianoblejas.com/
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