Welcome to the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce
Seward, Nebraska

Seward County Chamber & Development Partnership


Civic Organizations

About Us


The Seward County Chamber & Development Partnership (SCCDP) is a nonprofit organization that is driven by a public and private partnership in and around Seward County. SCCDP is the caretaker and steward of Vision Statement 2035 – a snapshot of a futuristic Seward County that directs SCCDP goals

For interest about joining SCCDP, please reach out to hello@cultivatesewardcounty.com.


Helicoptor in Christmas Parade
Santa House on the Square
Float in Christmas Parade
Rudolph & helpers at Rudolph's Red Nose Run
Starting Line at Rudolph's Red Nose Run
Santa's Reindeer on the Square
Polar Bear Float in Christmas Parade
Santa Claus Float in Christmas Parade

Seward Area Chamber of Commerce
PHONE: (402) 643-4189 | FAX: (402) 643-4713
616 Bradford, Seward, NE 68434


© Copyright 2014 Seward Area Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. 
Site by ChamberMaster

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  3. https://www.nyonyafood.com/
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  6. https://whatcomvet.com/
  7. https://theclassicyachtexperience.com/
  8. https://www.batonrougerosesociety.org/
  9. https://www.finburysullivan.com/
  10. https://mikrofinanzinstitut.com/
  11. https://www.the-vision-of-harmony.org/
  12. https://www.pantheonpress.com/
  13. https://thefinancialgraduate.com/
  14. https://www.thenutkitchen.com/
  15. https://altiboutique.com/
  16. https://ambushsweden.com/
  17. https://goingonforgod.com/
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  21. https://www.bistrotmarin.com/
  22. https://brysonchristianmontessorischool.com/
  23. https://www.excalibureurope.com/
  24. https://www.tropicaltopless.com/
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